What the Genealogical Society of Queensland can offer you
Take a tour of the GSQ’s Resource Centre. Some of their records cannot be found elsewhere such as our Catholic BDM records and our Funeral Directors records. Followed by an online tour of
GSQ’s website to see what is available to members from home and what is freely available on the website.
Presented by Kim Davis
Connections - Past - Present - Future 2025 conference
Have you ever attended an Australasian Family History Conference? This exciting congress
held every three years. GSQ is hosting the 2025 event in Brisbane in March. Hear about the
speakers, workshops, masterclasses and tours on offer and how to register.
Presented by David Barnes, Conference Convenor
Non-members welcome. Cost $10.00
Log into: https://www.familyhistory.asn.au/layout.php?mod=aigswebinars&zw=1
Link will be sent when payment is received
The link for FHC members will be emailed prior to the webinar